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2017.3.15-16​駿河湾へお邪魔しました。visited to the Suruga Bay



静岡県庁にて港湾企画課のみなさんとの打合せの後、西伊豆方面へ。ジオパークに指定される西伊豆の海岸は、富士山の影響もあり、火山性の地層をじっくり見ることができました。数百万年前から脈々と続く地球のロマンを感じます。感動的だったのは、案内をお世話になった西伊豆町のジオガイド仲田さんの熱いトーク!! 今回は堂ヶ島と黄金崎を中心に見せていただきましたが、このほかにもまだまだ魅力的なスポットが盛りだくさん。また行こう、静岡。

We visited to the Suruga Bay on March 15 and 16.

Met some enthusiastic members of the bay and felt the great nature of the huge and gorgeous bay!!

The great view of Mt. Fuji over Suruga Bay was so impressive and let us feel kind of prestige.

After a fruitful meeting with members of the bay, headed toward Nishi-Izu area.

The coasts of Nishi-Izu are designated as one of the geoparks and they have tons of unique sights of geologic stratum because of the volcanic effects of Mt. Fuji. The views of the coast of Doga-shima island were so fantastic. That was far away from our imaginations. What the most impressive part of our trip was to talk with Ms. NAKATA, a guide of the geopark of Nishi-Izu. She is so energetic, highly skilled, friendly and loves nature heritages of Nishi-Izu.

On this trip, we strolled around Cape Kogane-zaki and Doga-shima island, and missed a lot of must-see places. We should come back Shizuoka again!

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