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台湾総会 Sept-Oct, 2018

​The 14th World Congress in Penghu, Taiwan


​台湾の蔡英文総統が開催を祝って駆けつけてくださったり、陳菊(Chen, Chu)総統府秘書長や蘇嘉全(Su, Jia-chyuan)立法院院長がごあいさつくださいました。




The 14th World Congress of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World was held in Penghu, Taiwan.

President of R.O.C(Taiwan), Ing-wen Tsai came and celebrated the World Congress.  And more, Ms Chu Chen, Secretary-General to the President and Mr Jia-chyuan Su, President of the Legislative Yuan greeted to all the delegations.

​During this Congress, the club changed presidents from Maria das Dores Meira,Setubal Bay (Portugal) to Michel Bujold, Bay of Chaleur (Canada).

Thank you Maria for your amazing contribution for our club!!

We are sure that you'll lead us to be more solid, well communicated and visible association among the world, Michel!!

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