第13回世界で最も美しい湾クラブ世界大会inフランス モン・サン=ミシェル湾編 その1/The 13th World Congress of the Most Beautiful Bays in th
April 20, 2018 いよいよモンサンミシェルへ。 その前に、サン・マロという要塞のようなたたずまいの高級リゾート地を散策しました。
Visited Saint-Malo, an old port town surrounded by remperts on the way to Mont Saint-Michel.
サン・マロの市庁舎前にて。/ in front of "HOTEL de VILLE"(city hall) of St-Malo
第二次大戦で市街地のほとんどが破壊されてしまったにもかかわらず、戦後再び石をひとつひとつ積み上げて再興を果たした根性の町。/Almost all the buildings and houses of this town were destroyed due to the WWⅡ, but people had never given up to re-built their town and had kept pile up stones one by one.
Saint Malo is also known as a Town of Pirates(Governmental sanctioned privateers).
海賊王ローベル・シュルクーフ/Great Pirates; Robert Surcouf
Chateaubriand is well known as a name of a part of excellent beef, but the origin of the word is a name of writer born in Saint-Malo. His chef named "Chateaubriand" to a dish, grilled or roasted beef.
この日の宿はドル・ド・ブルターニュにある、ゴルフや乗馬、ヘリコプターにも乗れるリゾート ドメーヌ・テゾルム。
We stayed at Les Ormes, Domaine & Resort
本日の絶品スイーツ(笑) アップルパイのキャラメルアイス添え
Superb dish of the day!!; an Apple pie with caramel ice cream
次はいよいよモンサンミシェル! To Be Continued....