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第13回世界で最も美しい湾クラブ世界大会inフランス モルビアン湾編その1 / The 13th World Congress of the Most Beautiful Bays in the Wo


We attended the13th World Congress of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World. It spectaclarly held in Vannes, France as the celebration for 20 years of the club.


3 hours ride of TGV brought us to Vannes from Paris. Vannes is the capital of Morbihan with 130,000 people, deep history, delicious food, and beautiful scenery of their townhouses.

(↑今回、街の写真を撮る余裕がなかったので、前回2014年に訪問した際の写真です。。。) Above three photos were taken in 2014, as I haven't have enough time to hang around the city. what a shame...

クラブに所属する湾の名前は、モルビアン湾。現地の言葉(ブルトン語)で、「小さな海」という意味だそう。何人もの著名人が、海沿いに別荘を構えるリゾート地としても有名です。 The meaning of the name of "Morbihan Bay" comes from a "small sea" in their local language, Breton. Celebrities have their resort cottage along the bay.


The Oyster cultivation flourishes in Morbihan bay. In Japan, there are many way to cook oysters like grilled, deep fried, stewed in a big pot with vegetables and so on, but we couldn't find other way to eat but raw oysters sided with cut lemon in France.



Welcome ceremony at the City Hall of Vannes. It was so gorgeous building.

Welcome speech by the President of the Club, Mayor of the city, and the Founder member.



There was a cape Quiberon you can see during the cruising going out from Morbihan Bay to the Atlantic Ocean. Quiberon Bay is also registered as a member of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World Club. Enjoying the beautiful sight of the Quiberon, we arrived to the Trinite-sur-Mer. Hundreds of yacht,

that's simply overwhelming. It seemed that they're absolutely enjoying their life with the bay.


After 15 minutes transferring, we visited famous "Carnac" to discover Britain's major megalithic site - candidate to UNESCO World Heritage.


Thousands of stones on the field. So wired. I can't stop thinking about thousands years ago. What has happened and what for?? So mysterious.


After transferring to Aradon, we had an oyster party, that was so nice with awesome folk musics and had a blast, and that was the first day in Vannes.


Continue to #2 Gulf of Morbihan

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